
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lite Brite

I love writing this blog (and I hope you love reading it!). My only problem is posting gift ideas I haven't given yet. Like the lampwork bead earlier this week, I purchased that TWO months before my sister's birthday but had to keep it hush-hush until now. The good thing is my kids don't read Penguin's Gift so I can share their gifts before they open anything!

A friend posted about Lite Brite over the summer and its been on my daughter's Christmas list ever since. Oh, you know the Christmas list that *I* write for her because they are the things she really can play with. Not the Ah-Choo baby she sees on TV (insert eye roll) although I'm afraid one of those might make it into this house before the year is over.

I found it at Target for $10, and I've read online that you can also get it at Walmart for the same price. Its around the Play-doh and Pixos in the toy department. The Lite Brite would be a great gift idea for the classmate birthday parties or a little surprise on rainy/snowy days this winter.

1 comment:

  1. Lite Brite was one of my favorite toys as a kid, and I've been waiting for one of my kids to be old enough to have it. This is the year! sphal


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