
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

got it!

Way back in October I told you here how I wanted a family print from JLink's etsy shop under my Christmas tree. Funny thing is it, or pieces of the final product, was in just about every room of our house over the course of a month before Christmas yet it never made it under the tree.

The completed product was my husband's gift to me. I ordered the print from JLink, purchased the mat and frame, and assembled it to finish. I placed it next to his bedside table for wrapping. In the craziness of the last few days before Christmas the frame didn't get wrapped. At some point during Christmas Day my husband looked at me and asked where the family print was ... I ran upstairs and brought it down to the dining room. My lovely husband hung it in the perfect place in the dining room over the weekend. I am so happy with it!

JLink's etsy shop is currently closed for a holiday break, sign up for an email alert and once its back open be sure to check out the amazing prints they have to offer. Great customer service and great products!

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