
Friday, January 15, 2010


I'm feeling really useless. And spoiled. And so many other emotions as I read about Haiti and its people since the earthquake.

Tonight after the kids are asleep I'll sit down with my husband and figure out how much we can donate this month. And we'll be sure to get his employer to match our gift through their generous matching program. It won't be enough to make a huge impact, but like our former leader said today its all the small donations that add up to make a difference in one small country that has lost just about everything.

I don't post enough ideas about gifts for guys. Simply because they are so difficult to find gift ideas. Until now ... go here to Libby Dibby's etsy shop where you will find these stunning postcards. Very cool! Very 'guy'. They would also be a great gift framed for display on an office desk.

All proceeds will be donated to RED CROSS and/or CHILD HOPE international. A great gift that will also benefit those organizations that are working 24/7 to aide those in need tonight.

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