
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

First Dictionary

This summer has been fun for the three of us.  Lots of planned events as well as impromptu play dates, pool time, etc.  But this is the first summer that I don't have an afternoon napper and we've found the day can get looong come 3pm.  The library is a great place to break up the afternoon hours for us. 

During one of our visits I browsed the juvenile nonfiction looking for a dictionary.  My oldest daughter is constantly asking for the definition of words and although my husband and I try to define each word it can be challenging.  We checked out The American Heritage First Dictionary and it hasn't left the family room, its become our resource book!  The dictionary has been fun to flip through and look at the pictures with my younger daughter.  Its amazing how a conversation with a 3yo can start!

I'm adding this book to my preschool birthday party gift list!  I think its a great gift idea, priced at under $13 from Amazon, with loads of information for any young child.

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