
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mario Graphic T-Shirt

A birthday invitation arrived in the mail last week, yippee!  I'm not sure who was more excited - my children because they get to par-tay with one of their friends or me because I get to gift shop for the birthday boy!!  This little man *love* his Wii and I have had the pleasure of watching him play Super Mario Brothers (and he is really good)!  So off I went looking for gift ideas ...

I found this Mario Graphic T-Shirt on Eagle Eye Designs' Etsy shop.  You choose the color (white, blue, green, pink, or yellow) and the size of the t-shirt (toddler and youth sizes available).  Priced at just $15 (plus $3.95 shipping).  Perfect for the birthday boy!

I love the simple graphic outline, but if you wanted to jazz up this gift idea toss in a package of fabric markers.  The giftee can decorate his Mario and really personalize the t-shirt.

If I had discovered Eagle Eye Designs shop twelve years ago I would have ordered this Zelda t-shirt.  My dad, nephew, and I were HUGE Zelda fans!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! I have a boy who would LOVE this . . . too bad we just passed his birthday. On to the Christmas list it will go!


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