
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Reader Feedback {and a giveaway} - CLOSED

Penguin's Gift was started almost ten months ago.  Wow!  Ten months of blogging about fun and affordable gift ideas.  I am so happy I finally decided to take the jump and start a gift blog.  And I hope you have enjoyed stopping by, reading, and shopping with Penguin's Gift! 

I thought now would be the perfect time to ask for your thoughts.  Please leave a comment with your feedback and suggestions for Penguin's Gift.

~What do you like?  What do you dislike?~
~What would you want to see more of?  Less of?~
~Like things just fine?  Then tell me that as well!~

One comment to this post will be chosen via the Random Number Generator on Saturday, July 17.  The winner will received a $5 gift card to Target, Starbucks, or Amazon (I couldn't decide, so the winner can!).  If the winner is a follower of Penguin's Gift on Facebook I'll double the prize - a $10 gift card to Target, Starbucks, or Amazon!

Thanks to all of you for reading ... I really appreciate it!


  1. I love your blog always such great gifts..... I had never heard of esty until I read your blog. And while I'm upset that I can't get the family print I want from Jlink (BOOOOO!) I'll forgive since I should have bought it when you posted it instead of waiting until my anniversary! Keep the ideas coming!

  2. What I love most is that you support your mom friends!! Since my children are a bit older than those of your target audience, I just read and enjoy...maybe someday I will have grandchildren to shop for!

  3. I love your blog, Kat! I like the new 3 column design! I really like all of your great posts, especially those for a specific occasion (like graduation gifts, or mother's day gifts, etc). I also like the inexpensive ideas and the cool things on etsy (you find the cutest stuff!). Keep doing what you are doing!!

  4. I love your blog design.

    I'm now a Facebook fan (Mary Happymommy).

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  5. Kat I love your blog. I love the new format too. I love all your ideas. You are doing a GREAT job.

  6. You have unique ideas, not just your average gift from WalMart, and I really like how you highlight different occasions and recepients. I love the fun stuff you find on Etsy, I never browse around there enough. I don't comment often, but I always read!

  7. I love your blog and have gotten so many ideas from it. I would like to see a list of tags on your sidebar or a search so I can go back and find things you posted (I don't always remember when you post though so it makes it tedious to find some things).

  8. I love the new labels!!! Now it's goign to be easier to find all your great ideas.
