
Friday, March 25, 2011

Paperless Post

Second to collecting gift ideas, party planning is at the top of my favorite things list!  My little girl's birthday is about two months away so we are busy gathering ideas for a theme, and in turn decorations, favors, and food.  While I'm obsessing over party ideas I thought I'd share my new favorite invitation service - Paperless Post.

What I love about Paperless Post is how it feels like you are receiving an actual invitation like you would find in your mailbox complete with your guests name written on the envelope.  I also love the texture, how the font almost looks letter-pressed like fine stationery.  Yes, I'm {swooning} over an online invitation service!!

Here are some samples (to see the entire collection you must register but its well worth the three seconds and I've never received spam from Paperless Post):

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