
Monday, September 28, 2009

And here I go ...

I love giving gifts. I love finding just the right gift for that special someone. That special someone could be my dear mother, new neighbor, friend, or little person in my daughter's class.

I've thought about starting this blog numerous times. The thought was quickly followed by all of the valid things I should be doing instead. Chores that fall by the side as I put computer time over such things as cleaning ;). I told myself a gift blog will just become another 'computer thing to do'. But one day I received this quote in my inbox:

Giving presents is a talent; to know what a person wants…to give it lovingly and well. — Pamela Glenconner

It was a sign. I need to start this gift blog. I want to start this gift blog. Giving the perfect gift, and sharing my gift ideas and finds, is what I love doing.

So join me as I begin this new adventure!

And share with me any suggestions and ideas you have for Penguin's Gift.

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