
Monday, September 28, 2009

Rent Mother Nature

My husband's sister and her family are so difficult to buy for .... they need nothing, they buy anything and everything they want. To make the gift giving even more interesting all six of their birthdays fall in the three months before Christmas (except one, his is four days after Christmas). Can you say CHALLENGE ?!?

About two years ago a friend suggested For Christmas we gave the family the cheese and maple syrup leases with optional photo and everything. Huge hit! The kids loved seeing a picture of 'Betsy the cow' and reading the updates on the maple harvest. They served the cheese, with a picture of Betsy proudly framed, at a fun party the following spring.

This is my favorite family gift! Not only is it unique, but this gift is also helping small farmers in other areas of the country. And, its food! What better gift than yum, yum, yummy food!

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