Need a fabulous personalized gift at a great price? I have the place for you - Pumpkin Petunia
I purchased my first Silhouette Print from Pumpkin Petunia last fall. It was the football print pictured above for my then 14 year old nephew. He is the quiet nephew that really doesn't say much - you know the type. I try really hard every year to get the perfect gift for his birthday and Christmas but rarely do I see his eyes light up when he opens our gift. But last Christmas I got it with Pumpkin Petunia's framed silhouette! I guess football will touch just about any guy's heart.
Pumpkin Petunia offers a wide range of Silhouette Prints in modern and classic styles. Lots of sports for boys and girls, and plenty of cute everyday silhouettes like reading, swinging, and a little girl pushing a baby carriage - so sweet.
Can I say it again? I love these Silhouette Prints! I have one for each of my daughters. And one more wrapped really nice and pretty for my niece's birthday next month.
Just $16 for the print and another $10 for the frame. To make this gift idea even better Pumpkin Petunia has passed on a discount code of 20%! Yay! So you can get the print and frame for just over $20 plus shipping. Code: BBFriends
Check them out here.